Friday, June 24, 2011

Foot Callus

A Callus also known as a "Callosity" which is a very tough part of your dermis also known as your skin although the layer everyone sees is called epidermis calluses are caused  by too much friction, irritation and mostly pressure most calluses show up either on the bottom of the pes "the foot" because repeated contact has happened such as a lot of walking with pressure on the feet calluses are hardly ever dangerous at all but could lead to some issues like ulceration and infection the frist picture below is a picture i took of a callus zoomed by X200 and what is looks close up the second picture is not zoomed just what the callus looks like which is very hard to see but it is felt! if you look very close you will see a tiny black spot which is a blood blister! actually trapt under the callus.

1 comment:

  1. The information you have posted is very useful. The sites you have referred was good. Thanks for sharing..
    Electric Foot Callus Removers Reviews
